Broadway Lodge is one of the leading and most respected abstinence-based addiction treatment centres in the UK. Since 1974, they have helped to transform the lives of thousands of people, supporting them in their recovery from addiction to alcohol, illicit drugs, prescription drugs, gambling, sex and gaming.

Sefton Park Rehab is situated next to the seaside in Weston-super-Mare. They are a Therapeutic Community that provides a comprehensive and proven programme to our residents who are seeking an alternative to the traditional rehabilitation methods. With their experienced team and unique rehabilitation approach, they provide a truly person centred service.

This is a great partnership which has brought Morning After Drama to Weston-super-Mare where we run a wonderful weekly community group at The Stable Creative Hub.
The Community Learning Team in North Somerset offers quality free or low-cost courses for adults aged 19 or over who are in receipt of benefits or have few or no qualifications. Their courses aim to improve employability, health, wellbeing and confidence - an aim shared by us!
The Stable is a wonderful community hub which provides a home to a range of great organisations including a community shop, gorgeous cafe, office spaces and many creative, nuturing and fun activity groups. It is situated in the centre of Weston-super-Mare and is our weekly space for our community group.

Partner With Us

If you are an organisation specialising in working with individuals who have experienced addiction, poor mental health, low confidence or involvement with the criminal justice system, we would love to hear from you.
Email us: jude@morningafterdrama.com